Chapter Twenty

1387 Words
I sat at the table for the family meal that we shared each night and tried my best not to think about George. I wanted to give him time to cool off. I couldn't seem to concentrate on anything, not even eating the food on my plate. I just sat there pushing it around my plate and tried to make it look like I wasn't acting off. I listened intently as everyone else around the table tried to avoid the topic of Luca and Amelia. They had left together, but no one had heard much from him since. We all wanted to talk about it, but not in front of Rylie. Luckily for me, everyone was so busy trying desperately to make small talk that didn't include Luca that they hadn't noticed me at all. I hadn't heard anything since the dreaded phone call. Not even so much as a text. I had no idea what I was even supposed to do to make it up to him. I was still pissed with Rylie about it all, but I could hardly say anything to her. Since we arrived in Italy, she had been all about Luca. She barely even noticed my existence, and then she used my relationship to win points against Amelia. I felt like she had betrayed me and I knew it was creating a bigger wedge between us. "What about you, Em?" I shot my eyes up from my plate and straight to Mamma as she spoke to me. I had no idea what they were even talking about. I looked pleadingly at her and hoped she would realise with her amazing powers of perception that I had no idea what was going on. "Any plans for tonight?" "No, I don't think so. Think I'm going to get an early night." She nodded at me as if she knew instantly that the issue was a tiff between George and me. I had no idea how she did it, but it was a skill that gave to everyone in her presence. I was certainly grateful for it at that moment. Anything to avoid telling everyone that Rylie had dropped me in it. Especially after gushing about George to Aurora. As soon as dinner was over, I made my excuses and headed up to my room. I might normally share it with Rylie, but since she had decided to get into business with Aurora, she had been down at the cottages constantly. I was grateful. At least it gave me some time to myself. I opened my phone and hoped he would have messaged me, but still nothing. I felt beyond pathetic. Sitting on my bed pining for some bloke I barely knew, but there was just something about him that made me behave like some stupid girl. It wasn't even who I was, but I had no choice in the matter. I wished I did. All I wanted was to not care one way or the other about what he thought or even if I ever had the misfortune of speaking to him again. It just wasn't on the cards. I had started the day convinced I would be moving my whole life to Italy, just for a chance of things working between us. Instead, I was laying in my bed wishing I could hop on a plane that very minute. I didn't think even the distance would make me forget him, but a girl could hope. Except running away from my problems wasn't an option. Which left me only one avenue, facing up to them. Emily: Can we talk? I didn't know Rylie was going to use you against Amelia, but in fairness to her, she was in an awful position. If it was you marrying someone purely because you thought she was pregnant with your child, wouldn't you want to know the truth? I don't condone what she did, but she did it with good intentions. I should have told you what she did, but I didn't think for one minute that Amelia would put a complaint in about it. I waited for my phone to beep, but there was nothing. Each minute seemed to last an hour. I grabbed Rylie's laptop and put a movie on, going for an action flick. It was not the night for a romantic comedy. The last thing I needed to see was some fated couple falling in love with no problems in life, but their own stupidity. Although, in all fairness, our only problem was our own stupidity. Despite knowing that, I didn't know how to fix it. Over an hour later, he finally replied, and I held my breath as I opened the message. George: I understand what you are saying, but I'm still not happy. It will make things difficult. Emily: Did you mean what you said in the car?" George: What did I say? Emily: I should move to Italy so I could be by your side. George: Of course I did. I'm dreading you leaving next week, but after everything, I don't know how it would even work. I could hardly introduce you to my work friends. If only she hadn't named you. I was so angry. Amelia had a lot to answer for. Not only had she gotten in between Luca and Rylie, but it was also overspilling into my relationship, too. Emily: Tell me what to do to fix it. George: Short of Amelia retracting the complaint, I don't think there is anything you can do." Emily: Well, the spiteful cow isn't going to do that. I suddenly had a brainwave. "Hey." "Hey, Luca. I need to know what is going on?" "Why? I don't want Rylie involved, not until it's sorted. My mistakes have caused her enough stress." "It's nothing to do with Rylie. Amelia has put a complaint in against the hospital and it's causing issues with the bloke I've been seeing. He never told Rylie anything. She was just bluffing to try to help you, and now it could risk his job." "I'm sorry, Em, but I don't know what you think I can do to help." "Why did you leave with Amelia?" "I needed to be sure she wasn't pregnant." "And?" "Rylie was right. It was all an act to get me down the aisle." "So, what's next? If it was finished, you would be back here with Rylie." "I really can't discuss this with anyone until I've spoken to Rylie." "Have you got any leverage on her? Can you force her to take the complaint back?" "I don't know. I'm struggling to get her to even walk away. Don't get your hopes up, but I will see what I can do." "I know, just try, please." I put the phone down and felt like I had a glimmer of hope. I didn't tell George, there was no point. It was too much of a long shot. I just hoped Luca found a way to pull it off. I knew if it was within his power, he would. He was a good man and he wouldn't want someone else suffering from the mess he had made. George was right, it was risky even being seen with me. If we happened to bump into someone from the hospital, it would make it very obvious that he was the one involved in the complaint. It wasn't even just his job at risk. It was all the good he would do in the future, and that was more important than anything else. He had been so animated when he had talked about his time in South Africa at an outreach program. Providing basic care for those that were too far from a hospital. I wondered where he planned to go after Verona, but no doubt it would be somewhere that needed him, and I didn't want to put that at risk. I fell asleep that night imagining all the people who would be affected if he was reported for sharing medical records. All the sick children he went there to help, dying like the boy who had sent him down that path in the first place. It was just something I couldn't live with, even if it meant I had to give George up and forget he ever existed.
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