Unexpected Gift

1536 Words
After taking a guess, Marcus went on to say, sounding unfazed, “Go to the drawer in the room. There’s a box inside. Bring it over.” Cordelia did what she was told, finding a carved wooden box in the deepest part of the drawer. The pattern carved on the box was exquisite and gorgeous, while the box had a vague refreshing scent to it. Marcus took it from her and opened it, only to reveal a few pieces of gold jewelry: a necklace, a pair of earrings, a ring, and a bangle. The bangle was especially unique, as it was made of gold and jade. The jade that was embedded in the gold was radiant in color and cool to the touch. Cordelia’s eyes widened as she looked at the man in confusion. “This is…” “I haven’t given you a decent gift for the wedding,” Marcus said as he picked up piece after piece of jewelry and looked at them nonchalantly. “Consider these a present from me. Have a look and see if you want anything else?” Cordelia clenched her hands under the table repeatedly. She felt rather nervous. As she peeked at Marcus’ stoic face, she somehow felt doted on. These pieces of jewelry were perfectly beautiful. It was just that… How had he gotten them? Marcus, who read her mind, could not help chuckling. “Don’t worry, I didn’t steal these. They were acquired the rightful way!” Cordelia went red in an instant. How could she suspect her husband like that? “Keep them.” Marcus closed the box and pushed it toward her, his deep eyes watching her silently. “These are all I can produce and everything this house has. We’re already married, and you’re the woman of the household, so I’m giving all the valuables of the house to you!” “Marcus, I—” “One more thing.” He interrupted her. “I won’t be going back to visit your family with you today. Apologize to your family for me.” Cordelia was surprised at first. Then, she let out an abrupt breath of relief and relaxed. “Hmm, okay,” she replied with a smile. “Go ahead and do what you have to do. I can go back on my own!” Marcus shook his head and chuckled inwardly, taking in how relieved the girl looked. What an interesting wife he had gotten himself. She wore her feelings on her sleeve, unable to hide even the tiniest secret. It would be strange if she managed to avoid being bullied this way! Bullied? Marcus paused and felt his guard go up. What if she actually got bullied by the family when she went back today? Then again, what did her being bullied have to do with him… Frustrated with his thoughts, he shoved some food down his throat and pulled his jacket on to go out. Cordelia did not know where he went. She cleaned up the house for a bit and went to catch the bus, receiving a call from Linda Quimby on the way. She listened to the latter grumble the entire ride, and the girl was still muttering when she got off the bus. “Come on, aren’t you too carefree? What day is it today? You’re going back for a visit! And your husband’s missing? Does he even care about you or your marriage?!” Cordelia was only giggling on the other end of the line. Linda was two years her senior, and they had been best friends in school. The girl was loud and straightforward, and Cordelia had always said that if Linda had been born way earlier, she would have made a handsome female knight. Currently, said knight was at her wit’s end as she bombarded Cordelia with words. “A broke *ss like him must’ve saved the world in his past life to be able to marry you! And he can’t even appreciate his good luck. How could he not go with you? He—” “Alright!” Cordelia winced. “I didn’t want him to come with me anyway. I’m going to… I’m going back to ask for money today. Everything would be exposed if he came with me!” The woman on the other end of the call went quiet momentarily. Then, Linda sighed heavily. “Cordelia, you’re saying goodbye to lifelong happiness!” Cordelia’s smile went stiff as a spark of sorrow flickered in her heart. Linda was right. Marriage was for life, and she had gotten married mindlessly. She had not even gotten to date properly. It was true that she was letting go of her happiness for life. However… She pressed her lips together before chuckling. “It’s not so sad. I actually want to thank Marcus. If he hadn’t married me, I wouldn’t have gotten $40,000!” As long as her mother recovered and her younger brother was able to study and live well, that would be her greatest joy. “Okay, I’ll stop here!” Cordelia was in a hurry to hang up. “I’m going back today for the money. I’ll tell you the good news when I get it!” Cordelia carefully tucked her phone back into her bag and soon reached the busiest street in Jangasas. As she stood on the street and watched the bustling life before her, it felt like a lifetime had passed. … “Oh, you’re back, Cordelia!” Yelena’s shrill voice dripped with mockery as she came downstairs and scanned Cordelia haughtily. Yelena wondered if Cordelia had had it easy in the past few days. Once she thought of the fact that Cordelia was married to a broke man, who was also an infamous thug, she could not help the glee that filled her up. She had lost to Cordelia in almost everything since they were kids. Even when the latter had worn old clothes, people had complimented her beauty. Cordelia had a mild temperament, and people liked her. She was even good at studying. She had been like a sore thumb to Yelena since forever. Even when Cordelia had no intention of harming her, she took every opportunity she had and resorted to every means possible to make the former’s life difficult. Yelena thought that Cordelia had deserved to replace her and marry Marcus. It was just that she did not find it satisfying. She wanted to see Cordelia do worse and live even more miserably. “Cordelia, does it feel great being married?” Yelena tugged at Cordelia’s hand in feigned friendliness, her smile deceitful. “I heard that the older generation used to get married at their parents’ orders and didn’t see each other before their wedding night… Hah, you went retro too, huh!” Cordelia laughed dryly and lightly pulled her hand out. She felt nothing for this family. All she wanted was to leave as soon as she got the money and have nothing to do with the Jenners from now on. “I heard that my brother-in-law’s been behind bars several times for fighting in the past?” Yelena’s gaze was offending as she smirked. “What does he do now? Does he have a proper job? How is he taking care of you otherwise?! “If he really can’t find a job, I can help him! Heh. I can recommend him for some good jobs, you know, like construction work or port labor. It would fit him, right? Or he could join the company. The security guards need a dog. He can take the spot!” Cordelia’s eyes snapped up to her. Yelena felt her heart give a squeeze. The impression she had of Cordelia was that she was a pushover. It seemed that there was something different in the girl’s gaze today. Cordelia took a deep breath and kept her eyes on Yelena as she said clearly, “My husband has some flaws, but this doesn’t affect his ability to be the breadwinner of the family. Besides, even if he really wanted to look for a job, we wouldn’t come to you. You can keep the good jobs you mentioned for my future brother-in-law!” “You—” Affronted, Yelena scowled. “Cordelia, who do you think you’re talking to?” “What?” Cordelia asked flatly. “Working construction, port labor, or as a security dog… You think these are great jobs, don’t you? You’re helping us by asking my husband to do them, so isn’t it considerate of me as a sister to ask you to keep them for your future husband?” Yelena was annoyed. She had never known Cordelia to have such a sharp tongue. “Hah, only you’d defend a man like that like he’s some gem!” Yelena rolled her eyes with a purse of her lips and sashayed up the staircase, scoffing as she walked up. “Don’t think I don’t know what you wanted by coming back today… Heh, dad’s not home, though. Coming here was a waste of your time!” “What did you say?” Cordelia’s heart thumped as she immediately had a sense of premonition.
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