Beast Hunter Zirri vs. Itriuz the Deranged

2185 Words

    Dodging another slew of fire balls Zirri realized she would not be able to keep this pace for much longer so she had to go on the defensive. Her first line of defense is to use her beasts. From her spot above the castle she had a burst of speed and flew straight up again. The dragon followed and tried to blow her out of the sky again, bellowing out his anger in a furious roar between each flurry of attacks. Zirri flew as fast as she could and then when she was far enough she stopped flying away and turned to fly straight toward him at full speed.      This must have enraged Itriuz because the roaring screech he let out was nearly enough to knock her unconscious but she kept her bearings and dodge the fire balls. As soon as she had gotten close enough she touched her necklace and 4 lar

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