BELOVED “Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long.” Deuteronomy 33:12 With Kwan gone, there was nothing for me to do but rest and play with Mrs. Cho’s rescued children. Even with my young compatriots vying for my attention, I fretted about Kwan for whole hours at a time. “You need to stop worrying,” Mrs. Cho admonished. “Your baby knows when you’re anxious.” Mrs. Cho worked as a midwife before she started the orphanage. She promised Kwan that she would care for me with utmost skill and competence while he was away. A month after his departure, Kwan wrote to tell me that he wouldn’t be home by September as he first planned. In addition to training leaders for the Sanhe church, Kwan was asked to teach in an underground seminary for the entire border