The entire pack

1762 Words

The feeling of kissing a maid hit me so hard, it made my stomach rumble, how disgusting it was but that kiss was so good. I pushed her away, brought out the key, and was about to open the door. “ Give that to me” She pushed me and began to search for the key. I held it in my hands so tight. There was no way that I would allow her to have that key. I remembered the drugs that I was with, I grabbed her and wrapped the towel in her nose, she fell unconscious, and I smiled. I began to open the door but someone hit me something hard on the head, I staggered and fell, what I never let go of was the key that was in my hands. When I opened my eyes, I saw that it was Nina who was standing over me. I wondered how she escaped the guards that were holding her. “ What did you do to my guard

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