Robert and Clara

2125 Words

I was trying to free myself from whoever it was. “ Relax yourself”. He let me be. “ Why would you do that? Why did you follow me to this place?” I asked him. “ Why should I not follow you here? You look so gorgeous in that dress. I never knew that a day would come when you would look this good and yummy. '' He smiled at me as his eyes ran through my body. “ Do not look at me that way, Robert got me all of these, he sure knows what is good for me” I wanted him to leave me alone. I was with Robert tonight and I did not want to get him upset. “ You know I can get these for you and even more, I can get you anything that you want, I will do anything to make you happy” He came close to me. “ I was about to leave before you came, I need to get back to the hall” I attempted to leave bu

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