In David's house

2141 Words

I asked them to sit, but I could not explain what was going on, I guess that Nina will have a better explanation of what was going on. “ What is this about, Nina?” I asked her. “ You have to listen to me talk, do not interrupt me till I am done talking,” she said to me. “ Fine, go ahead,” I asked her to explain. “ I was in David's house, I was searching for his bedroom but could not find it, I met her and asked her to show me, and we went back and forth. She said that she was trying to get Dylan back to you, she also talked about how she took your kindness for granted and hurt you by trying to hurt your son, the reason why she is here is because she wants to help you get back your son, I know you would want that for yourself” she explained. I took a deep breath, trusting Nora wit

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