
1275 Words

I had to go back to her the next morning, I know that by that time she must have gotten herself. I got up from the bed, and Clara was lying beside me, I kissed her on the forehead and stood up from the bed. I got my shirt and had to freshen up before leaving my room. When I got to the dungeon, she was surprisingly awake. “ I was told you were here yesterday and I was too drunk to make anything out of your visit, is that so?” She looked up at me. “ Certainly, I had to come back here when you must have gotten your sanity back,” I said. “ I was not mad, I was only drunk” she rolled her old eyes. “ What is it that we talked about yesterday?” She asked. “ It was about Dylan, I have found him,” I said. “ Oh, yes, I remember now, you have found him, I told you he will be dead, Rober

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