Heard the vioce

2138 Words

I was at home when I heard the voices, which sounded like an argument at first. But it later turned from the little argument that was going there something that I needed to intervene. I went outside to see what was happening. I got there and saw Nora with the guard, he was not letting her come in. “ What is happening here?” I asked the guard. “ She said she wants to see you, with all of these, I do not trust her that is why I did not let her in,” He said. I looked at the things he was referring to. They were bags, like bags containing her belongings I guess. “ What are those?” I asked her. “ My belongings. I had to come here to stay after what I did” She answered me. I had to let her come inside so she would not spill everything outside. “ Let her in” I went to the sittin

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