Clara's Points of view

1046 Words
"Hey, you hear me? You best go lost. Please refrain from embarrassing our people. You're just an ugly cow; look at yourself. You will never find a partner as special as me. Now leave this place immediately and cease bothering our pack. As I ran farther into the woods, these words kept repeating in my mind. I had nowhere to go and was unable to return home. Those two strangers I just found sharing a bed are my two favorite people. Maria took David away from me when he was mine. He forgot all the promises he made to me and rejected me without feeling sorry. disregarding all of his compliments. When he was crowned Alpha, he had vowed that I would be his Luna, by his side. And Maria had said she would be the godmother to our kids. She vows to lavish them with attention. However, the two individuals I just saw in that room weren't my favorite people; rather, they were new foes and strangers. They purposefully tear my heart out of my ribcage. They intentionally wounded me and did it on purpose. When I hit the ground, I yelled. "No!" I had to scream some more because the pain is too much to handle. David, I've been duped by both of them. I had been dating my own David for three years. He declared his love for me. He demonstrated it for me, not just told me. I always sensed his love for me. To him, wasn't that something? "Why did you do this to me, Moon Goddess?" I shouted. I just wanted to let her know that I was thinking of her, regardless of who else could be in the woods. Isn't a partner meant to provide solace and affection? Why is mine the other way around? For heaven's sake, why can't I be loved? I cried out once again. After crying for a while, I muttered to the moon goddess, "You ought to fix it," I screamed because I felt like I wasn't loud enough and she wouldn't hear me. "This needs to be fixed! I need you to mend my damaged heart! You had best turn my life around! I cried out for a long time before falling asleep while lying on the ground. Ignoring the cold and pain, I closed my eyes. When I woke up again, the sun was already up, and I was still lying on the ground, staring at nothing. I had no idea what time it was. I had no desire to get up or return home. Neither do I want to return home. I was thinking back to the day David asked me to be his girlfriend while I lay there looking at nothing. He sounded very certain of his intentions. He was certain that he wanted me. When I accepted his proposal, he assured me that we would become Luna. It fulfilled a long-held desire of mine. We were waiting for the moon goddess's assurance, and since we were such a great couple, I believed she would grant us her blessing. When did all of this occur? Why hadn't I recognized earlier that Maria was always in the photo? I wept some more, talked to the moon goddess and myself, and went to bed. It was twilight when I woke up again, and I had no idea how many times I had slept or dreamed. I had to get up and grab something to eat since I was hungry. I had a hard time getting up, and then I walked slowly to fetch supper. My eyes narrowed when I first noticed the monkey—a monkey in the woods? Is it unhappy with its life? All right, I don't give a damn. It was sustenance. I changed into my feeble wolf form and hurried to get it, but all I managed to grab was a large piece of wood. I spun around to look for the monkey, but it was gone from view. I was ready to give up and sigh when I noticed a big whale moving to the opposite side in a different direction. I scowled once more. A fish that walks? Do I give a damn? No. I grabbed it because I was hungry. It spoke to me right away as I was about to capture it. "Hey, why are you here at this hour of the night?" It dawned on me that the fish was also speaking. I swiftly changed back to my human shape, and when I looked up, I saw a very nice man. He laughed and stroked me as I drew nearer to him and touched his cheek. He c****d his head in response to my c**k. Did he look like a fish or a man? I looked at him, wondering. I put my hand on his shirt-covered chest, and he stroked my breasts, sending shivers down my spine. I touched his chest again since I enjoyed the sensation and wanted him to touch me once more. He touched my boobs, and I giggled, the same as previously. I put my hands on his chest this time, and he laughed and did the same. I told him, "I like it," and he responded in kind. Shaking my head, I closed my eyes. What on earth would an extremely attractive man like this be doing in the woods at night? I must be having hallucinations. My hands twisted around his neck, slowly removing themselves from his chest. There should be nothing wrong with enjoying some pleasure with my hallucinated attractive man if it was only a hallucination, similar to the story of the monkey and the whale. I took in his bottom lip slowly with mine, then sucked on it. His hands went from my neck to my lower waist, then down my back. After he kissed me back, I couldn't help but be drawn to him. I started rubbing my nude lower body against his covered groin without thinking. With a moan, he shoved me over to the tree behind us. I lost control as soon as my back struck the wood and started ripping off his shirt with his assistance. We both fan the heat inside of us to a flame under the moonlight.
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