1781 Words

I got out of the car, waiting for the worst of it all to happen to me. “ Be careful” He held my hands and said to me. He did not want to let me go but I had to go ahead and do what was necessary for our children. “ I have to go now,” I said to him. I let him leave my hands, I walked to the place that Josh had directed me to go to, I walked to the place but I could not find anyone there. I looked around the place, there were rocks there, I could not believe that I had come to this place. “ Where are you?” I yelled. I had waited for the person but no one was showing forth, I had to look for the person myself. “ Where are you? I am here now, where is my son” I said out loud, so loudly that I knew that the person would hear me. Soon, I began to hear sounds, and footsteps approach

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