David's house

2128 Words

I was in my room when Dylan came into my room. He jumped on me. “ Mummy, are you scared?” He asked me. I wondered why he would ask me that. “ Of course not, I am not scared” he held him close to himself as I assured him that I was doing okay. He hugged me and that gave me a little comfort. It was time to eat and I carried him to the dining. We waited for Robert to join us at the table. He came and I sat down. We began to eat. It was awkward as everywhere remained silent. We finished eating with that silence. “ Let me take Dylan to his room,” Robert said. I let him take him. He came back after some time. “ I want to talk with you, do you have some time to spare?” He asked me as he stood at the front of my door. “ Yes,” I answered. He opened the door and came inside.

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