Robert and Clara

1083 Words

I held her neck till she began to cough, when she was coughing very seriously, I let her be. “ Can you now see that I am not joking with you, you better start talking or I get it out by force, and you know that it would be painful that way, tell me what happened and what you are doing here” I half yelled at her, she moved back a bit, I drew her close. I saw her eyes on David, she looked back at me, I gave her a threatening look. She coughed again. “ Fine, I will tell you what I know and what happened that day, but you will let go of my hand so I can talk about it properly,” She said. I was not going to go dumb on her. “ That is not happening at all, you have to tell me about it with me holding you and you can talk properly when I am holding you like this, do not try to play smart

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