Chapter 5

1217 Words
  SIENNA I sat there, gaping at the two werewolves in front of me. “Wait a second, what is Hunter doing living alone in the woods?” I asked, “I thought that he moved to the US. Doesn’t he have family there? I am pretty sure that his father was telling at one of the parties how he met his second chance mate there.”   They both clenched their lips and were in no rush to respond to me.   “Say something!” I yelled at them, “What the hell is going on?!”   “Well,” Theo’s voice was too high-pitched. Now I knew that something was very wrong.   “There was no second chance mate,” Kieran groaned, “His dad Dickon is just a d*ck and Hunter left his pack after… Aria rejected him.”   “But why?” I gasped, suddenly feeling bad for him, “Wolves reject their mates sometimes. And their situation was a unique one since Aria had two mates but only could keep one.”   “True,” my brother sighed, “Did I not mention that his dad was a d*ck?”   “So,” I stopped him when he was about to open the door of the car and get our, “Does it mean that Hunter is a rogue now?”   They both gulped.   “Not… technically”, Theo tried to reply and by now I knew that this whole situation was so complicated that there was no way to deal with it now.   “He is a lone wolf now,” Kieran said, “Sienna, just promise me to never see him again. Trust me, it’s a bad idea!”   My lips parted in shock. My brother never prohibited me anything, never asked me of such things. I loved to believe that he trusted enough in my own judgment. After all, I was not an i***t.   And I knew that Hunter was not a bad man. For starters, he saved me. Then – he guarded me quietly in his house until I woke up. A bad person wouldn’t do that! And since his dad was a d*ck, it wasn’t his fault that he had to leave his pack. If anything, he looked like a victim to me.   “No,” I said and both guys stared at me.   “Sienna!” the Alpha King growled.   “I am sorry, bro,” I smiled, “But I am going to trust my instincts about this. Hunter doesn’t look like trouble to me and now that I know who he is, I need to at least thank him. Right?”   “No!” they said in unison and I rolled my eyes. It was time to distract them.   “Fine, we’ll talk about it another time. Now we need to go and deal with this situation. We can’t hide in the car forever. You are an Alpha King, Kieran!” I opened the door of the car and got out first, stretching and looking around. At first glance, this pack looked like any other. Rows of neat houses, a huge mansion in the centre, gardens and training fields.    But I heard rumours about them. And those were not good. That’s why it was understandable that the family of the girl we were looking for was so worried after she went to live here with her new mate.   “Ok. Let’s do this,” Kieran and Theo joined me, and two more warriors from our pack followed behind us.   We had a welcoming party waiting for us, some she-wolves. Considering that the new Alpha of the pack didn’t have a Luna yet and his Beta and Gamma were male, it was insulting.   “Your Majes…”, one of them started to speak when I clicked my fingers and took the ability away from her. It would return in an hour or so, but the look on her face was priceless. Besides, it was a good message not to mess with the Alpha King.   Kieran did not react in any way, even though I knew that he didn’t like me doing this sort of thing. But they always worked like a charm. Literally.   Kieran knew his way around the pack since he had been to parties and events here a few times before and went straight to the Alpha’s office. Some wolf behind us tried to tell us that their Alpha was busy but I made him trip on his own feet.   The doors also magically opened before my brother and he gave me a little smirk before getting serious again and entering the spacious office. There was a guy behind the desk, who looked at us in awe for a few seconds but then stood up and bowed his head respectfully. He was tall as all werewolves and well-built, with styled brown hair and hazel eyes that somehow landed on me. It was understandable, of course, he couldn’t stare at Kieran. That would be disrespectful and would probably end with him dying. My brother was a good guy but he was an Alpha King with a super feisty wolf inside. He was already kind enough.   “Your Majesty Alpha Kieran Grayson,” the Alpha of Silver Crescent greeted him and then looked at me again. I held his gaze, absolutely unimpressed.   “Alpha Blackburn,” my brother nodded to him and the rest of us spread around the room as if we were at home. It always scared people for some reason.   I went to the fireplace, brushing my fingers over it and looking at the useless expensive things that stood on it. Mostly golden… I found them tacky. And when I turned back to the Alphas and leaned over the wall, I met the gaze of the hazel eyes again.   “To what do I owe the pleasure?” he asked and then smiled politely, “Forgive me, please, sit down. Would you and your guests like something?”   “We would like to find out what happened to Amanda Clark and see her if that's not much to ask, of course,” I sneered at him, crossing my hands on my chest and fishing for his reaction.   Unfortunately, he gave me none.   And then he calmly dialed something on his phone and put the speaker on, "Jared, hi! Come to my office now and take your mate with you."   "Yes, Alpha," we heard on another side of the line, "Baby, come with me... Alpha..."   The man in front of us switched on the phone and I clenched my lips. He was not worried at all. The girl was probably fine and we came for nothing.   It was a good thing, of course.    A few minutes later, however, they were still not here. And my suspicions started to rise again. I came to the window to see if any couple was rushing to the building but nothing of the sort was going on outside.   That was when I heard sounds of sniffing not far from me. Which I ignored. Growing between wolved one got used to things like that.    "Mate," I heard a growl behind my back suddenly and turned to face Alpha Rowan in shock,   What the hell did he just say?!   
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