1961 Words

He shook his head, chuckling at the picture she made. There were times when he could almost see why he’d married her. “All right, Chris,” he gave in. “I’ll be darned if I’ll crawl, but you’ve earned an apology. Okay?” She sighed uncertainly. Then she nodded and began changing for work. Chapter 14 - ImmunityTHEY WORKED THROUGH the day in what seemed to be armed truce. There was no coffee waiting for him when he awoke next, as he’d come to expect, but he didn’t comment. He went to where she was already working, checking on the results of the plasma on the cultures. The response had been slower than with the mouse blood, but now the bugs seemed to be dead. The filaments were destroyed, and there were no signs of the big cells. It seemed to be a cure, at least in the culture bottles. “We’

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