1995 Words

“Again?” she protested. But she got up and began helping him pack. Jake came in, his eyes weary, pulling on the old jacket with the big star on its sleeve. Doc hadn’t been too surprised to learn that Jake was the actual leader of the rebels. “Shuttles spotted taking off this way. And I still can’t find where the leak is. They haven’t missed our location once this week. Here, give me that.” He took the electron mike that had been among Doc’s’ possessions, but Chris recaptured it. “I can manage,” she told him, and headed out for the tractor where Lou was waiting. Doc scowled after her. He and Jake had been watching her. She was too useful to Doc’s research to be turned away, but they didn’t trust her yet. So far, however, they had found nothing wrong with her conduct. Still... . He swung

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