THE “PANIC OF 2020”-7

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I'D JUST PICKED UP the dessert plates with their forks in one hand and re-entered my cabin through its screen door with the other, when Sal shimmered in – and so close I had to stop with a lurch to not run into her. She was now simply dressed in a short and fluffy beige bathrobe. Her long legs trailing down from there to her bare feet. While her trademark blond hair now cascaded long and loose down her back. The dessert plates disappeared, timed to a slight move of one of her fingers. My sturdy blue dungarees were replaced by soft gray sweatpants. And I was feeling the cool wood deck beneath my own bare feet, as well. The porch light faded to dark, while flickering candle-lights gave soft illumination for the two of us. Looking over Sal's shoulder, I saw the futon was already extended, made up, and turned down. Her arms came around my waist as I put my own around hers. “Sal, I just had a thought that I'd at least get the broad strokes of that long story written down tonight.” “Your pen did the writing for you.” She nodded at the table where a pen was laying on top of a yellow legal pad, its top page covered in precise scrawls. “Amanuensis?” “Of the automatic-spell type – in your best, most legible handwriting.” “Well, I guess there's nothing to do on this story this evening.” “Some things are better done during the daytime, other things at night.” I grinned and nodded. “And as the sage comic said, 'The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.'” Our chuckles quieted under a long kiss, as the candles extinguished themselves one by one around us. Book Universes NotesAll long series of books become complicated. The universes of these stories can mix and merge. There are short and long series, as well as crossovers. So we've begun the process of adding Book Universes Notes to each of them. This allows you to get links to the earlier materials that explain the character backgrounds and abilities, story arcs, and even easter eggs. Please enjoy. - - - - * * * * SAL AND JOHN FIRST appeared in “Ghost Hunters”. The President in this story was first introduced in “Doppel”. Molly's famous apple pie is first described in "The Case of the Walkaway Blues". Yes, this is a satire that's based on actual events. And you can look up all the facts behind this on your own. Just pick your sources carefully – since you can't believe everything you read. Especially fiction. Try this link, where you can find most of the research for this book:
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