Chapter 10

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As Richard pondered Bella's actions, he was keenly aware that she held the key to a secret that he had guarded fiercely—the truth about his lycanthropy. With a sense of urgency, he decided to take matters into his own hands. The next day at Montenegro Company, Marco summoned Bella to his office. As she entered, a palpable tension hung in the air. "Bella, please take a seat. We need to have a serious discussion," Marco began, his tone grave. Bella, sensing the gravity of the situation, sat down, her eyes locked with Marco’’s. “We investigated the person who leaked the news about the Secretary's resignation, and we got to know you were the one who informed the press about the secretary. I also know about your quest to uncover the truth behind your sister's death," Richard stated, his gaze unwavering. Bella caught off guard, tried to maintain composure. "I don't know what you're talking about," she replied, feigning innocence. Marco sighed, a mix of frustration and resignation in his voice. "Bella, I can't afford to have you digging into the CEO's secrets. As a result, I've made a decision. We're terminating your contract with Montenegro Company, effective immediately." Bella's eyes widened in shock, realization sinking in. "You're firing me?" she questioned, a hint of disbelief in her voice. "I'm cutting ties to protect what matters to you," Marco explained, his expression unreadable. As Bella left the office, a whirlwind of emotions swept over her—confusion, anger, and a lingering sense of injustice. Little did she know that this abrupt decision would set in motion a chain of events that would alter the course of her journey in unexpected ways. Feeling the weight of Richard's decision heavy on her shoulders, Bella sought solace in the familiar surroundings of a nearby playground, a place filled with memories of carefree laughter and shared moments with her sister. As she sat on a swing, the gentle creaking of the chains echoed the turmoil within her soul. Tears streamed down her cheeks, mingling with the echoes of her sister's laughter that seemed to linger in the air. Bella closed her eyes, allowing herself to be enveloped by the bittersweet nostalgia of happier times. Memories of their childhood danced before her eyes, reminding her of the bond she shared with her sister—a bond that transcended the pain and secrets that now plagued her existence. Lost in her thoughts, Bella grappled with the unfairness of it all. Why did she have to bear the burden of Richard's secrets? Why was she being punished for seeking the truth about her sister's untimely demise? Yet, amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf her, a glimmer of determination flickered within Bella's heart. She refused to be defeated by Richard's actions. She would not rest until she uncovered the truth, no matter the cost. With renewed resolve, Bella wiped away her tears and stood up from the swing. Casting one last glance at the playground, she made a silent vow to honor her sister's memory by seeking justice and uncovering the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface. As she walked away from the playground, the weight of her sorrow lifted slightly, replaced by a steely determination to forge ahead, come what may. Little did she know that her journey was far from over, and that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges and revelations that would test her resolve to the core. Meanwhile, after bella left richard's office, marco came in, he was by the door all through listening to the conversation. As Marco entered Richard's office, he couldn't shake off the unease that had settled in his mind after witnessing the conversation between Richard and Bella. He had been silently listening by the door, his thoughts racing as he pondered the implications of Richard's decision. "Richard, was that the right thing to do?" Marco questioned, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Richard leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "I'm not sure, Marco. But Bella's determination to uncover the truth about her sister's death is understandable. She deserves answers." Marco nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "What if she has ulterior motives? What if she's using her position in the company to gain access to information for her own agenda?" Richard considered Marco's words carefully. "Even if that were the case, Marco, it's not our place to judge her intentions. Everyone has their reasons for seeking the truth." "But what do you suggest we do?" Marco pressed, his concern evident. Richard paused, weighing his options. "We can't force her hand or manipulate her into revealing her motives. That wouldn't be right. Instead, let's keep a close eye on her, monitor her actions discreetly. If she poses a threat to the company or if her intentions become clear, then we'll address it accordingly." Marco nodded in agreement, relieved to have a plan in place. "Understood, Richard. I'll ensure that we keep a watchful eye on Bella without her knowledge. We'll proceed cautiously." As Marco left Richard's office, a sense of apprehension lingered in the air. Both men knew that the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but they were determined to navigate it with integrity and transparency, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.
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