**Chapter Twenty-two : Healing - Malia's POV**

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A few hours have passed, yet the absence of Blake and Jackson still lingers in the air. The pack meeting must be exceptionally serious if they have been gone this long. In an effort to distract ourselves from the gnawing anxiety, we sprawled across Aimee's comfy sofa's, smoothered in blankets, surrounded by an army of snacks that we had barely begun to touch. The TV flickers images of mindless reality shows, but my mind drifts to thoughts of the boys and what could possibly be keeping them. “So, the leavers formal is coming up,” Keira pipes up, her grin brightening the room nonetheless. “Please tell me we’re all going?” Her excitement attempts to pierce through the heaviness of our situation. With everything that has unfolded recently, we’ve slipped into auto-pilot, trying to grasp at the remnants of our normal lives that feel just out of reach. “Well, obviously we’re all going,” Aimee interjects, her tone more confident than she feels. “I wouldn’t have bought Malia that dress for nothing,” she adds with a laugh. With no warning, Jackson bursts through the door, a whirlwind of charisma and energy that immediately lights up the room. Aimee practically leaps into his arms, her face lighting up with uncontainable joy. The kiss that follows is electrifying, a moment so full of passion that I suddenly feel like an intruder in this intimate exchange. I shift uncomfortably, avoiding their gaze, feeling like an unwelcome guest at a private celebration of love that I wasn’t invited to. Blake was supposed to be the link between us, but now, as I watch Aimee and Jackson, I can’t help but feel the weight of their connection and my own loneliness in the midst of it all. As I stand there, feeling like a fifth wheel, I try to shake off the pang of envy that's settled in my chest. I glance around the room, taking in the cozy atmosphere, the twinkling lights, and the comfortable silence that's been disrupted by Jackson's dramatic entrance. Keira and Danny are lost in their own little world, oblivious to the emotional turmoil brewing inside me. I clear my throat, trying to break the spell, but my eyes keep drifting back to Aimee and Jackson, who are still wrapped in each other's arms, basking in the glow of their love. I check my watch for what feels like the hundredth time, wondering where Blake is. The memory of our last kiss flashes through my mind, and my heart skips a beat. It was a fleeting moment, but it felt like a promise of something more. I want to recapture that spark, to feel the rush of excitement that comes with being around him. The doorbell rings, and my heart leaps into my throat. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves, as Keira gets up to answer it. Please, let it be Blake, I silently pray. Please, let him walk through that door and sweep me off my feet like Jackson did with Aimee. The door opens, and I hold my breath, my eyes fixed on the entrance. And then, I see him – Blake, with his crooked smile and his messy hair, looking like he just rolled out of bed and stumbled into the room. My heart does a little flip, and I can't help but smile. He walks straight over to me and kisses me like his life depended on it. As his lips met mine, a rush of exhilaration coursed through my veins, a feeling so potent that I gasped softly against him. It was unlike any kiss I had ever experienced—passionate, urgent. I felt a tingle starting from the tips of my fingers, spreading through my body like wildfire. It was as if I was awakening from a long slumber, discovering parts of myself that had remained dormant until this very moment. My wolf is going crazy. The kiss deepened, our bodies swaying to an unheard rhythm, our hearts beating as one. **Blake's POV ** This kiss is everything I needed in this moment. I need to get her on her own, away from the prying eyes and wagging tongues of our friends. The way she melts into me, her lips soft and yielding, makes me crave more. I've been waiting for what feels like an eternity to be alone with her, to explore the sparks that fly between us. I glance around the crowded room, trying to come up with an excuse to slip out unnoticed. My eyes lock onto the open door leading to the backyard, and I know it's now or never. I take her hand, giving it a gentle tug, and whisper in her ear, "Let's get some fresh air." Her eyes flash with understanding, and she nods almost imperceptibly. With hearts racing, we make our way through house and enter the garden, our fingers intertwined like lifelines. The cool night air envelops us as we step outside, and I can hardly contain my excitement. We're finally alone, and I'm ready to take this kiss to the next level. Malia's hand brushes against mine, sending a spark of electricity through my body. I glance over at her, and our eyes lock, the tension between us palpable. We're both thinking the same thing - we need some alone time, away from prying eyes and curious ears. The pool house, with its wooden deck and comfy lounge chairs, beckons us like a haven. I push open the door, and we slip inside, the door creaking shut behind us, enveloping us in a cocoon of secrecy. The air inside is thick with anticipation, and I can barely contain my excitement as I turn to face Malia, my heart racing with expectation.
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