**Chapter Sixteen: Just another manic Monday- Blake's POV**

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As I arrive in the parking lot, the familiar sight of Jackson's car pulls me from my thoughts, and I can’t help but feel a surge of happiness , Jackson is my beta but not only that he has been my best mate aince we were little, we tell each other everything. It’s been a while since we’d last seen each other, and his easy smile is a welcomed comfort. The moment he steps out, I’m hit with his energy; we trade stories about our weekend antics, But as Jackson dives into tales of Aimee, his eyes alight with an intensity I haven’t seen before, my heart tightens inexplicably. The way he describes their connection, how their wolves intertwine seamlessly, is intoxicating. Wait, what is that...I can’t help but notice the little details—his neck, marked by her, a silent testament to their bond that’s as unbreakable as it is beautiful. Once you’ve been marked by your mate, it's a lifelong commitment, a promise that binds you together in ways I can barely comprehend. Jackson’s words reflect a profound sentiment; he talks about feeling each other's emotions, a deep understanding that transcends spoken language. The envy churns within me, sharp and unyielding, as I realize how desperately I crave that connection. Sure, I can mind link with others in the pack—it's convenient, but it’s not the same raw, passionate energy that Jack and Aimee share. My wolf stirs within me restlessly, fueled by instincts and desires that echo with every mention of their bond. "Anyway, enough of this soppy s**t," I say, shaking off the haze of conflicting emotions that had begun to cloud my mind. "Let's head to combat class." It’s a necessary escape; one where our proficiency speaks volumes, not just for our rank but for our very survival. In our world, lurking threats are a constant presence, and we must be prepared to defend ourselves and our pack at a moment’s notice. As we step into the training room, the familiar scent of sweat and determination fills the air. The warm-up begins, and just as I'm focusing on my technique, I feel a sharp jab in my back. Turning around, I'm met by none other than Kirsty, her lips curled into a smug grin. "Wtf, Kirsty?" I bellow, irritation lacing my voice. "Are you actually kidding me?" She shouts back, eyes ablaze. "Malia... your mate!" Each word she spits feels like a venomous dart. "I am supposed to be your future Luna, not that little loser. Our parents made a vow; you must reject her, get it over, and done with ASAP." I can’t believe what I’m hearing. "Is this girl crazy? What is she actually rambling on about?" Jackson’s voice filters through our mind link, a hint of amusement in his tone, and I can’t help but snicker to myself. The absurdity of it all is overwhelming. "Just you wait till your father finds out," she threatened before storming away, leaving a trail of confusion and exasperation behind her. Panic wells up in my chest. There’s no way I’m rejecting Malia. The thought sends shivers down my spine. I've heard the stories—the torturous agony of severing a true mate bond. Some even perish from the heartache, and their spirits are broken irrevocably. Not a chance. I’m not doing this. Not now, not ever. I focus on my breathing, trying to drown out the chaos in my head as I lace up my training boots, tethering myself to the present and the fight that lies ahead, because whatever storm is brewing outside the classroom, I won’t let it derail me. ** Kirsty's POV ** My threats remain true to Blake, there is no way in hell he is continuing with that little tramp. I will do whatever it takes to become luna and destroy anyone who tries to stop me. It is owed to me and has been written in stone, I am not going to let that b***h win. I storm out of the combat area and head to class but in doing so I see none other than that little slut. She's heading into the bathroom so I run in after her , I grab her by the back of the neck digging my nails in catching her of guard and slam her head into the wall. " I bet you think your s**t doesn't stink now your with the future Alpha" i spit"mated or not there is no way his father will agree to this, you may aswel deal with the disappointment now" I smash her through one of the toilet doors and shove her head in as far I can to the toilet and flush, she is struggling against me but my rage is taking over and a bit of my wolf releases , her body starts to go limp but I release her and let her grasp for air, she is a dribbling mess , how embarrassing. As I turn to leave, I hear a faint whisper behind me. "You'll pay for this." I spin back around, my eyes narrowing. She's still lying on the floor, but her eyes are locked on mine, filled with a fire that I know won't be extinguished anytime soon. "Oh, I'm shaking in my boots," I sneer, rolling my eyes. "You think you're tough, little girl? You think you can take me down? Please. I'll crush you like the insignificant insect you are." "Your making a mistake" she says with water falling from her mouth " I'm sorry was that a threat" I kick her in the stomach and rebound her face of the toilet till she is out Cold. I take a step closer to her, my heels clicking on the tile floor. "You may have Blake wrapped around your finger, but I have the entire pack at my beck and call. You may think you're the future, Luna, but I'm the one with the power. And I'll stop at nothing to get what's mine." I pull out a small syringe and inject the side of her neck. I stand over her, victorious, as she lies there, defeated and humiliated. The bathroom is silent, except for the sound of her heavy breathing and the occasional sniffle. I take a step back, admiring my handiwork, and can't help but smile. This is just the beginning. I reach into my bag and pull out a small compact mirror, flipping it open to check my reflection. My hair is still perfectly in place, and my makeup is untouched. I look like I just stepped out of a magazine, not like I just beat someone senseless in a bathroom. I snap the mirror shut and tuck it back into my bag, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over me. I turn and walk out of the bathroom, leaving her to pick up the pieces of her shattered dignity. The hallway is empty, but I know I'm being watched. I can feel the eyes of the students on me, whispering and pointing. Let them. I'll show them all what it means to cross me. I strut down the hallway, my head held high, my confidence radiating like an aura around me. I am the queen of this school, and no one is going to take that away from me.
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