Chapter Eleven - Something Unique

1237 Words

Joe’s P.O.V When I woke I found myself getting confused on why there was someone next to me, forgetting for a moment before I remembered it was Amaya and I couldn’t help but smile. She was snuggled into me. I looked down, watching her for a moment, she was beautiful. There was something about her from the moment I met her that drew me in and when I found out she was my student no matter how wrong I knew it was I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay away. “Why are you staring at me you creep?” Amaya giggled opening her eyes to look at me I quickly pulled my eyes away from her “Don’t know what you mean…” I laughed “Yes sure you don’t you weirdo.” She laughed “I am a proud weirdo thank you very much.” I said confidently Amaya rolled her eyes at me before she reached up, pressing a sof

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