Capital & Tragedy

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Luna’s PoV I wonder if it’s alright for students to use the teleportation spell. Isn’t it f*******n for anyone who isn’t working for the ministry to use this particular spell? Why would the headmaster has access to it? Did Mariana pull a string or something? What if the nobles know that commoners like us use such advanced ancient spells easily? “You look worried, Luna. Is it because we get to use the teleportation spell?” I nodded. Gaia seems to know what I am thinking, and I know she, too, feels the same way. We know just how vicious and evil nobles tend to be if commoners try to use something that caters exclusively to nobility. Even though the time has changed, nobles in this era don’t seem to change from the way it was before. “I’m sure everything will be alright. Since the headmaster said it’s fine, maybe the head of the ministry has to do with this. I hope nothing bad happens to us while we’re inside the portal.” As I thought, we do share the same opinion. I heard that the headmaster used to serve the royal family. But after he retired, he decided to take a teaching position in the village. Somehow he manages to raise the rank and become the headmaster. It’s no wonder that he knows Mariana and even Juliet. “Luna, may I have a word with you?” The headmaster called for me. I nodded and went to see the headmaster. “Luna, is it alright for me to appoint you as the student leader? I’m not trying to scare you, but the capital is one dangerous place. But I know, if anyone could challenge a bad guy, it’s you.” Huh? Why do I have to be the students’ bodyguard suddenly? “I thought the teachers would do that. Why me?” The headmaster explained to me the real situation in which he had no other choice but to ask for my help. In other words, the teacher who was supposed to be in charge of security suffered headaches after he went to the tavern last night and continued to drink all night long. How he is even a teacher is beyond me. “Fine.” The headmaster thanked me before I went back to Gaia. “Are you on duty?” I nodded. “Figures. My father was right this morning when he said one of us would be on guard duty.” I pinched the bridge of my nose. And here, I thought I would have the joy of being a student for a change. Anyway, I should be on guard. Rumors of a group of bad guys attacking travelers are spread like wildfires. Perhaps that is why the headmaster trusted me with the security. After ensuring the students were all there, the headmaster began the chant. As expected from someone who used to work for the royal family, his incantation seems complicated yet precise. The headmaster may look like your typical study-by-the-book guy, but he’s talented. It took him a couple of seconds to finish his incantation, and when I opened my eyes, we were not at the school ground anymore. I was slightly surprised when I faced a colossal statue of myself when I was the empress. “Wow- the great founder of our empire, empress Celestia.” Gaia gasped at the sight of the great ancient empress. If Gaia were born hundreds of years back, she would be one of those who would throw rocks at my carriage whenever I would make an appearance. Back then, the streets were filled with flyers and p********a stating that I was using the empire’s resources for my selfish desire. I never once expected anyone to build my statue for everyone to see the very moment they entered the capital. Did Ophelia instruct the craftsman to build this when she was in charge? Now that I think about it, the capital doesn’t seem to change much from when it was first built. The streets, the buildings, and even the palace, which I could see from where I am, are still the same. I thought as time progressed, so is the development. “Please do not wanders the street yourself. All students are to follow their leader’s instruction, and please do not bring out your wands unless it’s an emergency.” The headmaster informed us before we all went to our lodging. Now that I am here, I can’t help but be greedy. I was having a mini flashback when I was the empress when one of my classmates was pushed by someone. I managed to catch him before he fell, but the man who was responsible didn’t even apologize to my classmate. “Thanks, Luna.” “Don’t mention it. Be careful.” My classmate nodded his head as he went to his group of friends. “I expected the people of the capital would be rude, but not to this extend.” I smiled at Gaia. “What do you expect from people, Gaia?” Gaia shrugged her shoulder. “Well, they said people who live in the capital received a better education than us who are born and raised in the village. I supposed I was wrong.” I chuckled. Hold on- is it just me, or there’s someone who has been keeping an eye on us? Am I just being paranoid? I doubt the nobles who killed me are still alive today, and I don’t think they would urge their descendent to- “Luna, aren’t you going to come in?” I smiled at Gaia before looking at my surrounding area. “Hailstone.” Gaia was confused. “What’s wrong, Luna? Did you sense something?” I nodded. “Hailstone will be able to prevent anyone with bad intentions from attacking us in our sleep. Should I add a detection spell?” Gaia nodded. “If you’re considering it, then you must.” Gaia is right. Why am I even contemplating when I’m supposed to protect others? “You’re right.” I walked towards the entrance before placing my palm on the walls. That should be it. No one would be able to do anything, and even if they tried, it would backfire. “I’m hungry.” Gaia smiled. “Me too.”
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