1279 Words

ELEANOR'S POV I took us both by surprise as I cut Marcus off with a yell. I was not going to sit quietly and have him dictate my life to me. I might have voluntarily surrendered myself to him hours ago but that was going to have to change. He let out a sick laughter, watching me continue to yell at him. I couldn't care less though. I was going to voice out every single one of my opinion whether he was willing to listen or not. "You should better rethink your decisions!" I continued screaming. "Cause I would not submit to you, Marcus Reid. Never! I'd rather die than be your puppet so you better get that tattooed in your brain! I do not belong to you or anybody other than myself at that!" Ignoring my words, he continued talking, taking me by great surprise. "The rules are made for you to

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