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Victor’s tiny feet lingered above the ground as he sat in the couch with his back not able to reach the back of the chair cause of his small body. His brother , Adrian, next to him sat cross legged in the chair. The door bell rang, and his mum from the kitchen said, “Victor! Sweet heart, go check who’s there!” He jumped out of the couch, and ran from the living room through the hall way that led to the front door. He tiptoed to reach the door knob and then opened the door for the late night visitor. A tall man, with very dark hair and dressed like a CEO of some prestigious company stood on the welcome door mat in-front of their door. He smiled down at Victor with his straight white teeth. “Hello Sir, what do you want?” little Victor was quick to say in his small pitchy voice. “Hi, I’m a friend of your mother’s mate, is she around?” He spoke like he wasn’t from around, he also spoke confidently and convincing enough for little Victor to let him in. “Yeah, come in,” he opened the door further for him to pass. He walked into their home, and when Victor’s mum came into the living room to see the guest, he eyes immediately opened wide. “My babies, come here,” she signaled for the little boys to go behind her, and so he did. “Was expecting a warm welcome, my love,” the mystery man said. “We don’t want anything to do with you Jacob,” she replied. “Is that any way to talk to your sons’ father, Maddie?” he smirked as he walked towards the mother and son across the room. “I just came for what’s rightfully mine, my boy.” She grabbed Victor and Adrian , carried him up and ran as fast as she could up stairs. The man moved slowly, in a manner that said, ‘there’s really no where you can run to.’ She told Adrian to run out the window to go to the police station and her and victor ran into another room. Adrian ran as fast as he could and made it to a telephone by the street. He called 911 but didn’t know his address, and told them they sign post he saw by the road, “I see a sign post with the word Fitz 34 on it.” Maddie gave Victor a book and removed a necklace from her neck and placed it around his, “Hold onto these very tight, my love.” She begun to chant in what seemed like Latin, but actually wasn’t. She said the same sentence over and over again, with her eyes turning blood red and blood rolling down her cheeks from her eyes like tears. “Mummy I’m scared,” the little one said in a shaken voice as if holding back tears. “Always remember I love you, don’t worry about mummy, I’ll be fine okay sweet heart,” she said in a reassuring voice to calm him down. The air in the room changed. A wind started to swirl around them and as she chanted even louder, the wind swirled faster. The man who had now walked into the room the two were in threw his right arm in front of him with his left still in his pocket and with that Maddie’s grip on her son was broken and she was seen floating over the floor. Her hands were on her neck , trying to remove a hold on it that was making her suffocate and her mouth was open like she was fighting for breath. Her feet above the floor were fighting to be let go. “I love you Victor,” she said as the boy disappeared with the wind. “That wasn’t smart Maddie, you just took away the only thing that was stopping me from killing you,” he added, “but i won’t kill you, I’ll make sure you live long enough to see him in my hands.” He put his hand down and she fell to the floor, he walked calmly towards her as she kept chanting some words. “Stop!” he yelled as he recognized the spell she was using, “it’ll never work!” He yelled in an angry voice , losing his composure for the first time. When he tried to choke her to stop her from continuing he felt like he couldn’t breathe. She had used a bonding spell. The two were now bound together and whatever happened, to one happened to the other. He waved his hands making certain symbols and motions with his hands that left black traces when he moved his hands and in the next second she was unconscious. “You’ve always been so smart Maddie, it’s why I loved you, but I’ll find away to break your spell,” he said as he carried her off the floor and walked out the house. He shut the door behind him with a nod of his head. He walked with her in his arms to his car and let her lay in the back seats. He went to the boot and grabbed a jerrycan of gasoline and poured it all around the house. He grabbed a lighter from the inside right pocket of his coat. He walked back into the car with the burning house behind him and drove away, into the moonlit dark of that silent night. By the time the police got to the house with Adrian’s guidance, the house was on fire and they looked for close relatives to Adrian and found one contact that linked, him to Jacob Piers . He stayed at the police station for a few days and the tall black man from that night picked him. He tried to tell the cops about him but the man made him silent with the movement of his hand in his pocket. He held the boy and made him compliant to move with him to the car after signing legal papers for taking custody of the child and explaining to the cops his relationship with the boy. He claimed he was his fathers brother.
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