The Queen of Diamonds-32

1931 Words

Vig, I need to meet a friend outside your bar. 7 tonight. — J I sent that note with Pearson in a stack of my usual mail — answering letters, requesting information, and the like. I also asked him to get the carriage for me. I detested social calls. Hours of sitting in one stifling parlor after another, repeating the same banalities with women who hated me. I had my flask with me, though, and after each call, I celebrated its end with a good stiff swig. When I approached Honor at the last call on the list, he said, "Spadros Manor?" "The Kerr house, if you please." Since I was out, it seemed a good opportunity to visit Joe to see if he even remembered our prior meeting. Honor nodded. "Yes, mum." I shook my flask, which had been full of bourbon, but it hardly sloshed. Only a bit remaine

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