The Queen of Diamonds-29

1914 Words

I chuckled. Was Tony drunk? "I'm sure Master Rainbow is embarrassed by such talk." Morton laughed softly. "Men in love are all alike. You're a very fortunate woman." Interesting. "Have you ever been in love, Master Rainbow?" He picked up his wine glass. "Can't say that I have. From what I've observed, it usually doesn't turn out well." I laughed. "Well," Tony said, "I plan to be the exception." He rose, and came round to my side. "Now if you'll excuse us —" Morton grinned. "By all means." The doorbell rang. "Now who could that be at this hour?" Tony seemed more than a little annoyed. "I'll get it, sir," Pearson called out, and the door opened. Tony said, "I'll see what this is about," and went off around the corner. He came back a few minutes later, a perplexed look on his face.

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