The Note

2169 Words

The NoteI made the mistake of reading the rest of the pamphlet. It went on for many pages, Thrace Pike describing me so well he all but printed my name. I felt humiliated. I told Tony I felt unwell and spent much of two days in deep melancholy. I brought trouble on my Family, offended two of my friends, and three others were dead. A scoundrel followed me, my husband was hurt, Air’s brother was missing, my maid had been tortured. And I could do nothing about any of it. A house maid drew my bath while Amelia was “indisposed.” I was careful not to let the maid see my midsection. The corset’s boning pushed into me when I fell against the chair after Roy’s attack, leaving a purple mark. It would be difficult to blame that on a wasp. During this time, a copy of the Golden Bridges arrived, an

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