The Lie-1

2005 Words

The LieThe next morning, I pored over the newspaper, searching for clues as to the nature of the Red Dogs. Little had happened overnight. There were no ads denouncing us, no editorials seeking new ideals … “Anything of interest in the paper today?” Amelia said. “Nothing noteworthy. Perhaps the villains took the day off.” Amelia laughed. But I would not be deterred. The Red Dog cards were either taunts or attempts at intimidation, and the thought of either infuriated me. I meant to get to the bottom of this. At first, the idea of the kidnapper being at the Ball left me bewildered. But I realized there were many men at the Ball besides those announced on the list. Waiters, retainers, cooks, Men’s Room attendants, even the coat-man himself. “I read the piece on your charity adventure i

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