The Attack

1770 Words

The AttackWhen we returned to Spadros Manor, several of Tony’s men waited on the steps, porch, and walkway. They straightened, focusing on us when we arrived. After we alighted from the carriage, Sawbuck spoke to Tony privately. I did see some of Molly Spadros in Sawbuck, perhaps around the eyes. Tony turned to me. “I’ll tend to this and meet you inside, in perhaps an hour.” So I went to my study, read my mail — well wishes for the holiday — and after, I practiced my piano. Roy and Molly Spadros gave us the grand piano on our wedding day. I was not good at playing, nor did I particularly like to. But apparently it would be a slight on the Family honor for Mrs. Jacqueline Spadros to be asked to perform yet unable. No one had ever asked me to play, so I wasn’t sure how this all mattered

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