The Ball-3

2877 Words

Joe took my hand and kissed it, his eyes meeting mine. “Charmed to see you again.” Oh, my … he was stunning. “I didn’t know you were acquainted,” Tony said. I smiled at him. “Childhood friends.” Tony paused, puzzlement on his face. “Ah, yes.” Evidently he had forgotten my past. No one else seemed to. Tony shook Joe’s hand. “Then you’re most welcome here.” The twins beamed at him. Josephine had a gorgeous smile, but Joe’s lit the room. His smile held happiness and freedom, life and contentment, a smile usually only seen in small children. No one who smiled like that could ever be false. “It’s so grand to be welcomed,” Josephine said. “We adore these parties, don’t we, Joe?” Joe gazed fondly at his sister. “We do.” He turned to Tony. “We meet such fascinating people.” Tony seemed

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