The Ball-1

2007 Words

The BallThe Grand Ball. The one night this town of thieves and liars pretended they weren’t ready to stab each other at the slightest provocation. I anticipated an interesting time. Stars studded the night sky as we alighted from the coach. My husband Tony took my hand, and we moved through the crowds lining the wide marble stairs to the Grand Ball House. Tony’s men scanned the people and rooftops for danger, and the crowd parted before them. We stopped on occasion to allow the newsmen to take our photos with a flash and a puff of smoke. Fireworks boomed above us. In the distance, cheers went up after each fiery blossom. Boom. Cheer. Boom. Cheer. Fireworks reminded me of him. Every New Year’s Eve, we played with his wind-up automatons, made from bits of junk he found. When we were el

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