The Jacq of Spades-10

1962 Words

We later had tea in the parlor. “It’s strange,” Roy said, “Anthony was never ill as a child. Did the doctor say why he got pleurisy now?” I shrugged. “I have no idea. The doctor was definite on the diagnosis, though.” Roy said, “He’s a good one, Dr. Salmon, been in our family since I was a boy.” He lit a cigar. “I hear some of the men have been brawling.” “Oh? Oh, yes, they … I don’t know what they were doing. Mr. Spadros was quite stern with them.” “Heh.” Roy blew a smoke ring into the air. “Sir, I would like your advice on a matter.” That tack seemed best to take with one so mercurial as he. Roy leaned forward. “Go on.” “I read in the paper last week some were unhappy with the current state of affairs …” Roy scowled. “… and it occurred to me that a novel way to silence such talk

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