The Jacq of Spades-21

1930 Words

Debtor’s prison? Her city sounded harsher than Bridges, if such a thing were possible. The carriage came to a halt, and we alighted to the silver-gray cobbles. The temperature had dropped, and I wished I brought Tenni’s overcoat. The shop was in the better part of the Diamond quadrant, and I could see why the prices might be too high for Mrs. Bryce. I felt eyes on me, and a light-skinned man in brown turned away before I could see his face. A shiver of fear went down my back. “Let’s get out of here.” A few streets over, we found a taxi-carriage which would take us to the slums “to see our aunt.” For an extra penny, he brought us to a rundown street a few blocks outside the Pot, just west of the main roadway. “It might be hard to find a taxi-carriage here,” he said. Clever man. “Would

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