The Jacq of Spades-18

1930 Words

* * * Stephen never arrived at our next meeting. Although I strolled along the train station bag area for over an hour without seeing anything unusual, I had the feeling I was being watched. So I did what I always did when followed: I went to a bar. The Pocket Pair, while disreputable, had an excellent staff, very good food and drink, and an owner more than willing to help a lady in distress, especially if the lady happened to be me. Vígharður “Vig” Vikenti was a burly fellow, a bouncer until Roy’s men shot the original owner for being late on his protection money. Vig took over the bar, changed its name, got some “working girls“ in the back rooms, and became an upright, paying member of Spadros society. Even twenty years later, a look of displeasure from Vig sent the toughest men back

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