The Jacq of Spades-16

1959 Words

Thank the Floorman. Dinner with Roy was torture in itself. Once they left, Tony sighed. “I’m glad they didn’t stay. I exerted myself too much, and Katie hugs much too vigorously.” He looked pale. “Would you tell Pearson we’ll be dining in our rooms tonight?” I took Tony’s arm. “Only my corset saved me a fractured rib from Katherine’s pincer-like embrace.” “Pincer-like.” Tony began to laugh, then winced. “Don’t make me laugh,” he said, but a laugh burst from him, “it hurts.” “Perhaps you need a corset.” “Ow.” Tony laughed again. “Stop.” “Poor dear.” I put on a sober demeanor, “I will be completely grave henceforth.” He began laughing. “You are utterly wicked.” He went from laughing to complaining and back again all the way up the stair. I accompanied Tony to his room and got him sea

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