The Queen of Diamonds-6

1956 Words

"I got the truth from the doctor after much trouble. When I confronted my father, his reaction corroborated it even as he cast vile accusations and excuses as to why he would strike my wife." Tony touched the side of my face. "Even your bruise held the marks of my father's hand. I realized you were terrified of him and feared harm coming to me if you told the truth." He leaned over, kissing my forehead. "That you would take such a terrible blow then hide it to protect my life — it made me see how much you loved me." He laid his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry I sent you away the night you came to me. I was in such turmoil over the things my father said —" He paused for a long moment, as if he meant to speak, then shook his head, dropping his hand to the table between us. "No. There was no

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