The Queen of Diamonds-4

1939 Words

Jack Diamond grabbed my ankle. "I have you now." I shrieked and came awake, tangled in the covers. "Jacqui?" Tony sat up, sounding more sleepy than alarmed. Our night footman Blitz Spadros rushed in, candle in hand, his face glowing orange in the candlelight. "Are you well, mum?" My heart pounded; I felt bathed in sweat. "A dream." Tears of humiliation filled my eyes. "I'm sorry." Tony flopped backwards onto the pillows. "I hoped maybe — maybe they were gone. You didn't have any for a whole week." He smoothed my hair, kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry." Blitz gave us a small smile. "I'll leave you then." He closed the door behind him. I clung to Tony and began to cough, to cry. "I thought maybe they were gone too." That one was bizarre, so unlike the others, which had up to now mostly

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