The Jacq of Spades-28

1917 Words

“Right this way.” He shuffled along the long row of ancient books. At the end of the row, he turned, his arm out. Five stacks down, he turned right, into a row of black-bound volumes. “It’s not often we get newcomers to Diamond. I was born there in Diamond, way back when old Caesar Diamond and his pack was shooting up the area, back in Eighteen and Twenty-Seven.” The old man cackled. “Big Cassino and the Beer Card Boys, that’s what his men called themselves. You ever hear of them?” “No, sir.” A newcomer wouldn’t know about them. “I remember running after their carriages as a lad, when they rooted out the Wheelcard Gang. Those was exciting days.” He moved along, his hand running across the books. “Here we go, Plat 3123/66, the Omaha building. All the blueprints you need.” He took out the

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