The Queen of Diamonds-22

1932 Words

"I will." I thought of the hidden compartment in Anna's shop. "Could the controls be hidden somewhere?" "Why would they do that?" "I don't know. It's just something which came to me." Maxim Call considered this for a moment. "Perhaps we're looking in the wrong place." "Sir?" "Well, perhaps the controls aren't in this piling at all. Perhaps the controls were powerful enough to work on multiple pilings at once. Why, there are six pilings in this quadrant alone! I'll have my boys look for hidden compartments here, of course. But I think we need to start searching the other pilings as well." He nodded to himself as he began wandering off towards the door. "Very interesting idea." After he left the room, I chuckled. What a strange old man. "Glad I could help!" The Truth I went to Madame

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