The Queen of Diamonds-19

1957 Words

"As well you should," I said, "for it's almost eleven." Mary put her tray on a side table then brought over Morton's plate and silverware. Morton glanced up at us. "I hope you won't mind if I begin." Tony smiled. "Of course not." So Morton began eating while Mary poured his tea. At the first sip, his face lit with happy astonishment. "Mint tea!" Morton said. "My favorite. How did you know?" "You told us last night," I said. "But you were quite fatigued; you may have forgotten." He nodded. "Yes," he said with his mouth full, "I was." What did Morton tell the men? He could have said anything and might have no recollection of it. Mary said, "Will there be anything else, sir?" "No," Tony said. "I'll ring if there is." Mary curtsied and left, closing the door behind her. Sawbuck took

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