The Queen of Diamonds-16

1941 Words

She laughed, unafraid. "He owes me too. Your precious Blaze Rainbow is mad. He tried to kill me!" "What? When?" "Right after your little boat ride. He's nutty as a fewking loon, going on about Frank Pagliacci." "You know Frank Pagliacci? What did he say about him?" "He kept going on bout how he was a murderer." I stared at her. "Frank Pagliacci IS a murderer." Her nose and eyes reddened, disbelieving outrage crossing her face. "You're a liar!" She moved incredibly fast, swiping my knife down and aside, dodging away as it clattered to the ground. She threw a right hook at my face, but I twisted left. A grating slipping sound and a crash came from behind. When I turned, Zia lay on the sandy cobblestones, breathing heavily, the stack of wooden boxes by her head tumbling to the ground.

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