Seventeen Landry Thayer For dinner, Ellery was sat right across from me so we could see each other. November sat right next to her, with Noel on the other side. Dad sat at the head of the table and mom sat at the other end of it. They were missing both Quentin and Griffin, who were in the werewolf city of Gevaudan back in France. It was fine. After what happened with Quentin and Madeline, the last thing that Landry wanted was for Quentin to come back and try to stir up trouble with him and Ellery. They were too important. Now, as she sat across from him chatting merrily with his mom, he couldn’t help but think of how well she fit. He needed to come up with a way to seduce her quickly without scaring her off so he could make the claiming to happen. Her birthday would happen on Friday,