89 Bucky Timber writes a new song for Hanna.

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Hanna woke up to roosters crowing. She saw Henry had gotten into the shower. She brushed out her auburn hair and dressed in tight jeans and a white t-shirt. She squeezed those jeans over her full hips. " Damn, these must be Avery's." said said. Henry came back to the room he was wiping his face as he had just shaved. He was looking especially handsome with the sharp angles of his face exposed. Hanna lovingly touched his face. "Morning daddy, you look good today." He kissed her hand. " Thank you for coming here with me. I was feeling a little overwhelmed." He said. Hanna went into the bathroom and bumped into AJ along the way. She was going in to brush her teeth. " After you sister, Let me know when you are done with the bathroom." She smiled at him. His heart skipped a beat.

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