Adam called Henry then. "Hey, it's Adam. We made it. The eagle has landed!" He said, talking in code. Henry responded,"Well that's a relief. Is the eagle still mad? I mean, she does have a temper, just like her mother did," he chuckled. Adam said,"Yeah I know. No, she's not mad. Well, she was mad for a minute, she threw her shoe at me and broke my lamp" Henry smiled. Yup, that's his girl. Henry said,"That's a relief. Adam, take care of her. If you do anything to break her heart, I will come after you. I'm not kidding, do you understand me-I'm trusting you here." Adam said yes, he had realized that Henry would come after him if he messed things up with Hanna. He had assured Henry that the eagle was safe with him. He didn't say."I would give up my life for her." He meant it. Henry