Cassy and AJ head to Texas.

1529 Words

AJ sat in first class with Cassy on the plane ride home from Hawaii. He held her hand. He was finally happy. He was feeling peaceful and relaxed. Cassy was trying to remember the song that she had written for him in her head. Let's make love under the sun, lying in your arms in the citrus grove. My sweet Hawaii, my sweet Mahalo for you my love. He heard some of that song. He liked it. "How about this for the bridge?" Mercy me, Mercy my.. you take me to a Kīlauea high. Your fire, your flames it's in the sky. I want you to love me as the smoke floats by. "Hmm, that is interesting hubby. I want to capture how I felt when you came to the island and sat next to me in the hammock. I thought I was dreaming you." He grinned. "I know how I felt. I wanted to make love to you into the

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