82 Racing to Appalachia.

1762 Words

Ryan called the murder into the state patrol. He wanted to get back on the road fast. He told Henry to drive ahead, he would stay behind. Henry drove east. He called Jesse. "Hey, it's Henry. I need you to look up Teresa Brown. Can you access any of her financial records, go back as far as you can. She'd headed east bound. Looks like she's spiraling. There are two homicides so far." Jesse was juggling feeding Joey and taking care of his girl Angel while Avery went shopping for diapers. " Let me put these kids down and I will try to get this info to you. Oh, and Henry, the mortuary called. Pam's ashes were already picked up. Avery had stopped by to collect them. Pam's sister Debbie Olson claimed them yesterday. She identified herself as next of kin." " I didn't know she had a sister.

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