The inheritance.

1564 Words

Hanna held her new niece Ginger. "Cassy you just went right into labor after your water broke? That was so fast." Cassy shrugged. "She was in a hurry to see her daddy I guess. He is so in love with her. I can't believe it. I wasn't sure he would like to hold, and care for a little baby. But, he wants to do everything. Even diapers. It's crazy to me." Hanna kissed the baby. "Ah, that new born smell." Adam came in with AJ. "Okay all set. We got the car up front. Let's go ladies." Cassy gingerly got up. She was still bleeding and tender. AJ's back was better. Hanna took the baby down to the car. They all drove back together. Jesse said to take the first exit, then go down to the turnpike. Adam frowned. "Avery, tell Jesse not to talk to me while I am driving my new niece home."

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