chapter 25 Hanna loses it

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Mitzy took a quick step back, she shuffled her candy apple red stiletto heels, almost losing her balance and moved, backing up to get away from Hanna as quickly as possible. She was holding her wrist where that girl had almost broken it off. She watched Adam push himself up from the table, he adjusted his waist band as he stood. He looked intent as he quietly clicked his tongue, shook his head and maneuvered around the table. Adam came forward, he was headed right towards Mitzy."Yes! she thought, he is coming to my rescue. He sees how horrid that woman- she's a girl really- has been to me, shaking my hand so hard. She must be a deranged hussy, a one night stand perhaps, how embarrassing for Adam. She reached her arms up as if to hug Adam."My Adam, come to mama, she thought, as she pushed h

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