*Matthew* Dinner went so well that I almost didn't want to leave the diner. We ate desert after letting our stomachs settle for a little bit and then sat there talking. I told her about how my brothers met Abbi and Ava... about how Ava was happy to meet Michael but Abbi gave James a little more of a run for his money. We talked about the day of the Alpha Ceremony and Abbi's disappearance. I even told Amorah about my morning and meeting Alvin, that damn chipmunk that is apparently Ava's new best friend... her familiar or whatever he or she is. Amorah laughed when I told her the story. I didn't sugar coat it. I included the dumb comment I made about feeding it and the fact that I wouldn't sit by it... because who the hell adopts a chipmunk, anyways? Where does that make sense? Amorah told