
2040 Words
*Amorah* I hum softly while I rock my baby. Usually, I give him a bath and lay him down, read him a book and tuck him in, but tonight I just feel the need to baby him a little bit. So I hold him in my arms and rock him to sleep while I think about my day.  I spoke with the Mother of the Silver Butterfly Coven. She assured me that she would send someone but that it may take a few days. I outlined what we need and she claims it won't be a problem. The coven seems all to happy to fulfill our needs and finally repay the debt that I'm sure has been hanging over their heads. I think she was relieved that this is all we are asking for. She claims that she knows of the perfect witch to send but needs time to talk to them and a little bit of notice so they can handle anything they need to before coming. I haven't given Alpha James the news yet but I plan to talk to him in the morning.  I give Little Brandon another kiss on the forehead and then stand up. I walk over to his bed and gently lay him down, covering him up, and tucking him in. My dear sweet boy is sleeping soundly and I hope this isn't another night that I end up waking him up. The dreams come for me every night but some nights I come out of them before I wake him.... Other nights... not so much.  It makes me feel so bad to put that burden on him and I'd do anything to take it away. He's three years old. He shouldn't have to deal with my pain, especially not along with the heartache I'm sure he will feel growing up without a father.  I sigh, taking one last glance at my son before I leave the room, cutting through the bathroom to my own room. I open the windows, standing in front and gazing at the stars for several minutes before turning away and heading to my closet. I strip down and put some cozy pajamas on before cuddling up in bed with a book.  Reading is often my only escape and I love reading books, especially those written by my favorite authors. One in particular creates a supernatural world much like the one I live in. I find it highly amusing though that humans write these books, or make supernatural films, never realizing that all the things that go bump in the night... the things they believe they created and dreamed up... are all actually real. Some of them are so like the supernatural world that we live in that it makes you wonder if the author really is human or just decided to give humans a little peek into our world, knowing they would never believe it's real. Some of the books are so far off course that it's obvious that the writer is human and just has a good imagination. Either way, its the only opportunity I have to lose myself in a world that isn't mine and I take that opportunity every chance I get.  *Matthew* I sat in my room, reflecting on the events of the day until I almost drive myself insane. The need to get out and take a run becomes over powering until I finally give in. I walk outside, strip down, and shift, happily giving Deacon control. He's been restless all evening and craving our mate. We both have been.  I run through the woods, mentally forcing myself to relax and trying to keep my mind on other matters but it's not an easy thing to do. Before too long I find myself running along the border... the border in between the Golden Moon Pack and the Greenview Pack. I run along the stretch peacefully, with the wolves on patrol waving to acknowledge my presence. After several minutes I sit back, eyeing the wall that keeps the two packs separate. I shift back for a moment, scaling the wall and quickly hopping over before the patrol wolves walk back over to check this area.  I shift back into my wolf and run through the woods, making sure to stay hidden on the way. After a few minutes, I see lights from the pack house... her packhouse. I sit in the shadows from the trees and watch, hoping for some sign of her. I get lucky and catch the flick of a curtain on the top floor after a few minutes. My mate stands there, peering out at the stars for several minutes before backing away again. It feels good to see her but it's all too short lived and simply leaves me wanting more. I feel a sense of longing and have to hold myself back as the urge to go to her gets intense. I want to respect her wishes though and give her the time she needs. For now, at least. I don't want to push her hand too far and risk her trying to reject me as a result. Its hard to force myself to turn and run the other way, but I do it, listening to Deacon howl and demand we go back along the way.  'We can't see her right now, Deacon. Its not the right time. Get it together.' I whisper to him in my head.  'Shut up, you stupid human. What do you know anyways? Take me back to my mate. NOW.' he demands.  I chuckle and then cut our link so he can't speak to me. Damn wolf. If it were that easy I would happily go back, but I'm not stupid enough to think it will be.  I come to a halt in the woods as I see patrol walking around as I get close to the walls again. I wait until they walk in the other direction and then shift. I run to the wall in my human form, quickly climbing it and jumping back over to the other side, onto my own packlands. I let out a yell as I land on the other side on something soft and furry.  'What the hell are you doing?' I hear James' voice bouncing in my head.  'Nothing, just going for a run' I link him back, acting like nothing unusual has occurred.  'On the other side of the wall?' he asks, with a smirk clear in his voice. 'I haven't heard anything from Luna Amorah yet... maybe you can stop over there sometime tomorrow and see if she has any updates for us.'  My heart jumps in my throat, beating a mile a minute at the thought of seeing my mate. 'Umm, yea. I can probably do that.' I reply, already looking forward to seeing that beautiful face and those big brown eyes.  I turn, running away from my brother and back towards the woods. He follows behind me silently for several minutes and then turns and heads back towards the pack house. I love my brother but he hasn't been himself lately. The last week has been hard on him. He's been sticking to himself more when we aren't out searching for Abbi and has been in a pretty foul mood. He's constantly angry, which is unusual for him. I guess missing your mate will do that though, especially in a situation like this one.  I run in circles through the woods for hours, trying to wear myself down enough to sleep well tonight. If I don't wait till I'm simply exhausted then sleep rarely comes. Then I finally drag myself back to the packhouse and shift back, throwing my clothes on and heading back up to my room. I take a quick shower and then throw myself across my bed, hoping that sleep comes quickly to claim me.  *Abbi*  The look on the b***h's face makes me wish I could simply reach through the bars and snap her neck.  "So, what's the plan here?" I ask, hoping she's stupid enough to tell me everything and hopefully give me a clue as to how the hell to get out of here.  People that think they are smart like to brag.... they like to feel accomplished and take credit for their deeds, good and bad.  They typically think they have the best plan and can't see the holes and possible downfall behind it. That type of arrogance can be someone's worse enemy and I plan to capitalize on it.  "What do you mean?" she asks, tilting her head and gazing at me with a smirk on her face.  I shrug "There has to be something more to the plan then this.... you capture me... possibly Ava, and then what? Keep us locked up in this cell for ever? That's a little unrealistic, isn't it? You can't really think it will be that easy." She laughs, that crazy laugh that's more of a shriek, bouncing off the walls again. It makes me want to grab my head and cover my ears but I refuse to give her the satisfaction. I don't want her to realize the effect she's having on me right now. Her and this damn wolfsbane she's loaded me up with.  "Because whose going to save you?" she shrieks, laughing gleefully. "That stupid Alpha mutt? He's not smart enough for that, Abbi. All braun and no brains, just like the rest of them."  Everything in me wants to defend my mate, but I clamp my mouth shut. James is far smarter then she will ever realize but that's something that will work in my favor. Its better to let her think he's dumber then a box of rocks. In reality though, I know he's been looking for me and I know he won't stop until he finds me. He's an Alpha and my mate. The mate bond will drive him to the ends of the earth to search for me if need be, but people that haven't felt that have no clue what a bond like that means, how intense it really is. Just like I didn't until I felt it for the first time. Even though, I wouldn't admit it, it was a done deal after that. I was just too stubborn to give up that easily.  Another thought occurs to me randomly, throwing my mind in another direction. "How did you even know Ava and I are the legendary wolves? Liam doesn't know that. We literally just came into our powers and Liam and I were already broken up so he couldn't possibly have told you that." She smiles, her face lighting up, triumphantly waving her hands at me "I didn't need anyone to tell me that, Abbi. Dear girl, I was there shortly after you were born. I am your Godmother, after all. I knew who you two were the minute I laid eyes on you." she stops and paces back and forth in front of the cell for a moment before turning back towards me.  The look on her face was almost scary, her eyes lit up from within and almost glowing. "I wasn't lying when I said this plan has been 21 years in the making. I could feel the power radiating from you and your sister the moment I stepped into that room. There was no way you and Ava were only a third witch and were that powerful. The legendary wolves was a story that was told and spread around since I was a kid and it had been a century since the last set of twins were born. I knew when I felt that power exactly who you were. You don't get power like that without the blood from the original witch.... the first witch and the strongest one ever born... she gets with her half sister once a century... your famed Moon Goddess... and they create the next set of legendary wolves, giving you both the blessing of the witches and the wolves." She studies me, an ugly smirk still gracing her lips "Many lifetimes go by without an opportunity like this... what kind of fool would I have to be to pass it up?"  
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